Lu Dao Chinese Acupuncture Fireless Bubbles 4pcs
- Chinese cups are used to treat many diseases and conditions such as infections, common cold, asthma, hypertension, gastric diseases, impotence, prostate, boils, hemorrhoids, joint problems, muscular pain, inflammation, and other tendons.
Cupping acupuncture puts in the specific points of the body depending on the condition using the knowledge used in acupuncture. The principle of operation of bubbles is induction effect aspirate, whereby the skin is drawn into the bulb center. The aim of this process is to initiate a stronger flow of vital energy in the area, which is located directly under the bubble.
- They act like acupuncture. Putting bubble at a certain point the body compensates your energy levels in patients.
- Cupping acupuncture puts in the specific points of the body depending on disease using the knowledge used in acupuncture.
- The body more easily purified from harmful substances.
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