- Pollen and honey are two bee products that have antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Honey with pollen contains 5% pollen. Combining honey with pollen gives a product with a chemical composition that is the sum of the composition of honey and pollen.
Flower pollen contains many health-promoting and medicinal plants such as: wild rose, dandelion and St. John's wort. In addition to the above-mentioned plants, pollen contains almost thirty different amino acids and a large amount of vitamins. We also have enzymes and hormones here.
Pollen has a positive effect on the real reduction of cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis. It should be added that it supports blood circulation in the post-infarction period. It has a soothing effect on the nervous system and liver. In the case of iron deficiency, it minimizes the symptoms of anemia.
- The product has a uniform creamy consistency
- High content of pure flower pollen in the product
Preparation method:
The product works great for nutritious breakfasts, it can successfully replace modern synthetic products, consumed with fresh bread and milk it can give a completely new quality to your family breakfasts, the honey and pollen used are fully natural products.